The Truth About Body Wraps- Do They Work?

The Truth About Body Wraps, Stress, and Achieving A Healthier You

If you’ve been alive in 2016, you’ve seen the internet explode with endless body wraps promising a miracle. So what’s the truth?

Professionally done body wraps are a great way to jump-start your weight loss journey. Yes, you read that right! Paired with a nutritious diet and exercise, you can be on your way to better health and wellness. Ingredients like coffee, green tea, cocoa butter, brown sugar and sea salt seem to be more at home in your kitchen.  But Bioline, one of the most trusted brands in the industry, use natural substances to help drain fluid, detoxify, control fat formation and its disposal, reduce cellulite, tone and moisturize the skin.

Studies suggest many gain 5-7 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you’re like me, the Holiday season is for mom’s Banana Pudding and not counting calories. What were once healthy habits depart as we greet seasonal comforts. Then, the New Year rolls around and we want our pants to fit a little looser.

Who wouldn’t want a bit of extra motivation when it comes to weight loss? Using a series of customizable wraps can provide noticeable results that motivate you to achieve your weight and inch loss goals.

Learn more about Bioline’s BODYSENSACTION Wrap Treatments Here.

Take a moment to imagine never having to diet again. It’s a beautiful thing isn’t it?

The American Institute of Stress includes health at #3 and nutrition at #5 on their list of the ‘Top Causes of Stress in the U.S.’39% of women say that concerns about what they eat or weigh interfere with their happiness. 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms of stress. Stress is a problem.

Allowing yourself the adequate time to rest and relax could make all the difference in managing your weight. When we live stressed, high levels of cortisol remain in our blood. Cortisol raises our blood sugar and causes fat cells to grow larger. Persistently high levels of this hormone will increase belly fat in particular. So how do we reduce the amount of anxiety we live with on the road to healthier bodies? Massage lowers cortisol and adrenaline levels in the blood, and helps curb our appetite among many other things. Every time we get a massage, the level of the “feel good” hormones serotonin and dopamine, increase by default. Manicurist Carri Harlow agrees, “Don’t wait until someone gives you a gift card! Take care of yourself now, because no one else will do that for you. Even just an hour a week de-stressing makes a tremendous impact on your health. Many would benefit if this was recognized more.”

Make 2017 the year you take better care of you. Let’s develop better habits, more energy and a happier life together.

Click here for 3 Ways To De-Stress and Feel Your Best