Body Wraps, Do They Really Work?

Do Body Wraps Really Work

Ingredients used in body wraps often sound like they are out of place in a spa environment. Coffee, cocoa butter, brown sugar, sea salt and others would seem to be more at home in your kitchen cabinet. Yet many of these contain properties that enhance and nourish the body, especially the skin. When used in body wraps their benefits are the subject of some debate. Do they really work?  The answer is yes, but you, as a client, should not look to these as miracle cures for what ails you. For example, nothing can replace a healthy diet and exercise for weight loss.

Still, the ingredients in these wraps can provide noticeable results that motivate you to achieve your weight / inch loss goals. Bioline’s use of natural substances help to drain fluid and detoxify (sea salt, brown algae, bitter orange), control fat formation and its disposal (red algae, yellow poppy, coffee), and reduce cellulite, tone and moisturize the skin (cocoa butter, coffee, guarana). When you consume excess calories, the body stores and converts those calories into fat. It then becomes difficult for the body to derive energy to function from those fat cells.  The easiest calories to burn for energy are the ones you are consuming at the moment, and your body will naturally choose the easiest source of energy first. The properties inherent in these natural ingredients have been shown to stimulate and help the body transform unwanted fat cells into usable energy.

A body wrap is an enjoyable, relaxing way to jump start your system. Paired with a nutritious diet and increased, safe, physical activity, you can be on your way to better health and wellness. Call us today and schedule an appointment for the wrap suited to your specific needs.

Click Here to view our different Body Wraps