
Employee Spotlight: Penny H


  Name:  Penny H. Job Title: Business Administrator.  I handle all of our accounting, payroll, bills, anything to keep the business running smoothly!  I have had this position for almost 15 years! My favorite service here at Beyond Beaute is massage.  Luckily, massage can counteract the imbalance caused from sitting. My job requires me to sit for prolonged periods of time and having a massage on a regular basis not only helps with the lower back pain but also helps to relieve the stress and tension in my neck and shoulders. Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup is my favorite product we..

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The Benefits of Mineral Make-Up


The attention focused recently on mineral makeup might have you wondering “Is it for me? And are the benefits worth the extra expense?”  The answers to those questions may be found by doing a bit of research for yourself, but here are a few items to consider.  It turns out that it is not necessarily what is in the makeup you wear that makes it beneficial for the skin, but what is left out.  What is missing from the organic and natural lines are oils, chemical dyes, extracts, and fillers, etc. that have been found to be skin irritants.  Makeups..

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Going more Green in your cosmetics may save you or your teen’s life…..


Did you know the average woman eats 1 tube of lipstick a year? The move is on to pressure cosmetic companies to replace toxic ingredients. Teens are stepping up to the plate, demanding healthier cosmetics. They want to know what ingredients to avoid in cosmetics. Some are toxic when absorbed through the skin and may be linked to cancer and other significant health problems. I wholeheartedly support this movement because studies claim that teenagers use between 15 to 25 products a day, containing about 200 synthetic chemicals. Being one who lectures on taking charge of one’s own health, I know..

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