
The Healing Power of Touch

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Our bodies are the most complex and unique organisms on earth. Nature provides all we need to sustain us physically, but we have also been hard wired with senses to support us physically and emotionally. Touch is the first sense we acquire as a baby in the womb. At eight weeks old we are being equipped to send and receive a complete array of emotional signals through touch. We are programmed for contact. When we experience a positive touch from someone the brain compound “oxytocin” is released into our bloodstream. This chemical enables us to not only strengthen social relationships..

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Going more Green in your cosmetics may save you or your teen’s life…..


Did you know the average woman eats 1 tube of lipstick a year? The move is on to pressure cosmetic companies to replace toxic ingredients. Teens are stepping up to the plate, demanding healthier cosmetics. They want to know what ingredients to avoid in cosmetics. Some are toxic when absorbed through the skin and may be linked to cancer and other significant health problems. I wholeheartedly support this movement because studies claim that teenagers use between 15 to 25 products a day, containing about 200 synthetic chemicals. Being one who lectures on taking charge of one’s own health, I know..

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